Casa Canada Cuba | About
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How it began...and where we're headed


Casa Canada Cuba is a Canadian federally incorporated not-for-profit established to create a cultural headquarters for Canada in Cuba.


Andrew McLaughlin has been passionate about Cuba ever since his assignment at the Canadian Embassy in Havana
(2009-2012).  More recently, he connected with Juanita Montalvo, who shares in this passion for Cuba. The two have since founded the Casa Canada Cuba project and have begun reaching out to a broad network with a shared interest in launching a cultural
centre in Havana.


The sky is the limit for collaboration. We’re preparing events in Canada and Cuba to celebrate the launch of Casa Canada Cuba. The long term vision is to grow the project into a self sustaining and vibrant institution that stands as a testament to the strong bond between our people.

We’re actively seeking out great ideas, so if you have a project in mind that captures the spirit of Canada-Cuba cultural collaboration, reach out to us via our contact page and let us know what you’re thinking. We’d love to hear from you.